Hydra (1979)

Toto (CBS, 32222)

From the beginning of their career, the Toto boys were more popular in Asia and Europe than in the United States. Though Hydra was not as sucessful as Toto's first album, there are a couple of songs on Hydra that are truly loved by a lot of hardcore fans (99, Mama and White sister).

"It became more difficult with the second album Hydra. After a great start, the pressure of expectation on the group was intense. With your first record you don't give it too much tought; you play and the record company invests a lot of money in you and that's it. Afterwards, however, you have to define your course. The danger of getting stuck is particularly great if you don't stay on the ball." (David Paich)


  1. Hydra (Toto)
  2. St. George and the dragon (David Paich)
  3. 99 (David Paich)
  4. Lorraine (David Paich)
  5. All us boys (David Paich)
  6. Mama (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)
  7. White sister (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)
  8. A secret love (David Paich, Bobby Kimball, Steve Porcaro)


Steve Lukather: guitars, vocals
David Paich: keyboards, vocals
David Hungate: bass
Jeff Porcaro: drums & percussion
Bobby Kimball: vocals
Steve Porcaro: keyboards


  1. All us boys
  2. 99
  3. St George and the dragon
Steve Lukather Side Image

Tour dates

Visit the official TOTO website for current tour dates.

  1. 12Feb2025
    Paris FR
    Zénith Paris - La Villette
    TOTO Europe 2025
  2. 14Feb2025
    Lyon-Décines FR
    LDLC Arena
    TOTO Europe 2025
  3. 15Feb2025
    Geneva CH CH
    Geneva Arena
    TOTO Europe 2025
  4. 16Feb2025
    Zurich CH
    TOTO Europe 2025
  5. 18Feb2025
    Stuttgart DE
    Porsche Arena
    TOTO Europe 2025

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