25th Anniversary live in Amsterdam (2003)

Toto (Eagle Records, EAGCD266)

Besides the release of the Toto DVD Live in Amsterdam, Eagle Rock released a single live cd of the same concert worldwide on September 22nd 2003. In Japan VideoArts Music released a double cd of the concert in Amsterdam on September 25th.


  1. Girl goodbye (David Paich)
  2. Goodbye Elenore (David Paich)
  3. Child's anthem (David Paich)
  4. I'll supply the love (David Paich)
  5. Gift with a golden gun (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)
  6. While my guitar gently weeps (George Harrison)
  7. Bodhisattva (W. Becker, D. Fagan)
  8. Africa (D. Paich, J. Porcaro)
  9. Waiting for your love (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)
  10. Georgy Porgy (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)
  11. Lion/Hydra (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)
  12. English eyes (D. Paich, B. Kimball, J. Porcaro, S. Porcaro)
  13. Till the end (D. Paich, J. Williams)
  14. I won't hold you back (Steve Lukather)
  15. Rosanna (D. Paich)
  16. Afraid of love (Steve Lukather, David Paich, Jeff Porcaro)
  17. Hold the line (D. Paich)
  18. Home of the brave (D. Paich, S. Lukather, J. Webb & J. Williams)


Steve Lukather: guitars, vocals
David Paich: keyboards, vocals
Simon Phillips: drums
Mike Porcaro: bass
Bobby Kimball: vocals
John Jessel: keyboards, vocals, programming
Tony Spinner: guitars, vocals

Extra on the Japanese double album:
Dave's solo (D. Paich)
Paul meets Chani (Dune) (Toto)
Don't stop me now (S. Lukather, D. Paich)
I can't get next to you (Barrett Strong, Norman Whitfield)
White sister (David Paich, Bobby Kimball)

Steve Lukather Side Image

Tour dates

Visit the official TOTO website for current tour dates.

  1. 12Feb2025
    Paris FR
    Zénith Paris - La Villette
    TOTO Europe 2025
  2. 14Feb2025
    Lyon-Décines FR
    LDLC Arena
    TOTO Europe 2025
  3. 15Feb2025
    Geneva CH CH
    Geneva Arena
    TOTO Europe 2025
  4. 16Feb2025
    Zurich CH
    TOTO Europe 2025
  5. 18Feb2025
    Stuttgart DE
    Porsche Arena
    TOTO Europe 2025

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